Using the computer

I finished my research in 1993. In those days computers and the Internet had little significance for the private genealogy. I used my computer to arrange and print out the material, which now is available in a printed booklet. But I could not conduct any serious research with the help of my computer.
   These days things are different. Using an ordinary PC you can access some of the material gathered in SVAR. There are of course private companies,that against a fee will provide material from for example the census of the years of 1890 and 1900. There are also some organizations, where you as a paying member can get help and access to their material.All you have to do is to search the web for "släktforskning" or "genealogy".
   Now a days, there are also computer programs available that will arrange and present your basic data more or less any way you want it. I have now fed my basic material into one of these programs. It is designed to in addition, by a few clicks with your mouse, translate the material into HTML, the language used building web pages. I now present my mother's and my father's linage respectively using this program.

But the basic research must still for the most part be conducted through the church archives and thus you have to turn to the archive agencies in question. The address to the web site of the National Archives is . From there you can find links to SVAR and KRIGSARKIVET(Archives of War) among others.
   There is another address of interest,also connected to the National Archives,and this is . Here you can, for a minor fee, get three hours access to the census of the year of 1890 and to large parts of the census of the year of 1900. You can also get access to the same material for a whole year.

One final point! There might also be research material available on CDs,which you can access free of charge at the libraries.In Stockholm there is for example a CD containing information about who lived in Södermalm during a specific time period .


Styled by Kjell Närkhammar June 2005.